monthly favourites

Monthly Favourites! October 2019

Brrrr, it's started to get chilly in England, Halloween has come and gone and now everyone is on a mad one for Christmas. I've really enjoyed this month, I've seen friends more, come off some medication that was making me feel bad and we planned and hosted our very first Halloween party in the flat.… Continue reading Monthly Favourites! October 2019

monthly favourites

Monthly Favourites! September 2019

It's finally Autumn and the leaves are starting to fall. The first half of September was taken up by travelling and recovering from travelling, however coming home has made me so excited for Halloween and Christmas time! Also I've found a new app on my phone which will help me with my featured images so… Continue reading Monthly Favourites! September 2019

monthly favourites

Monthly Favourites! August 2019

It's the end of Summer and thing's are starting to cool down, I'm going to New York at the beginning of September so August was a month to chill out month catching up with loved ones and watching a lot of animated TV shows: Fate/Stay Night: Ultimate Blade Works: Ultimate Blade Works is the anime… Continue reading Monthly Favourites! August 2019

monthly favourites

Monthly Favourites! July 2019

It's the middle of Summer and England has been some of the best weather we've ever had. I've finally got out of my funk and I'm ready to take the world on again! Gamecube: Out of all the consoles I've ever owned, I think the Gamecube is one of my favourites. Now I've moved out… Continue reading Monthly Favourites! July 2019

monthly favourites

Monthly Favourites! June 2019

Nice to see you again! Thanks for coming back to read my 4th Monthly Favourites instalment (time flies). June was a bit of a rough month for me so I didn't really get out and do a lot, so this instalment involves a lot of TV and film. Godzilla: King of Monsters My partner is… Continue reading Monthly Favourites! June 2019

monthly favourites

Monthly Favourites! May 2019

This month has been a banger, we are full force in to Spring and on the high road to Summer and I couldn't be feeling more positive. This month has been full of fresh starts and changes for me, definitely one to remember. As promise, here's a list of my month favourites: The Image Cella… Continue reading Monthly Favourites! May 2019

monthly favourites, Pole & Aerial

Monthly Favourites! April 2019

This month has been a banger, we are full force in to Spring and on the high road to Summer and I couldn't be feeling more positive. This month has been full of fresh starts and changes for me, definitely one to remember. As promise, here's a list of my month favourites: Aerial Silks My… Continue reading Monthly Favourites! April 2019

Books, Film, Life, monthly favourites

Monthly Favourites! March 2019

I thought I'd set up a new little series about my monthly favourites for each month, I know I've missed two months of the year already but if this is a hit I'll continue this series in to next year. Every month I'll list a handful of activities/items/songs/TV shows/films/games etc, that have made me happy.… Continue reading Monthly Favourites! March 2019