
Pokemon: Sword and Shield Review

This review is a tad late as I wanted to get knee deep in the game before reviewing. I'm over 50 hours in now so it's time for my first gaming review! Pokemon: Sword and Shield is the 8th generation of Pokemon games and is set in the fictional region of Galar, which is based… Continue reading Pokemon: Sword and Shield Review


My Pokemon Team

Pokemon: Sword and Shield is only two days away! I'm so darn excited and have finally decided to go with Shield as I prefer the Ghost Gym Leader over the Fighting one and I love the look of Galarian Ponyta. My partner is getting Sword but we are going to swap the legendaries around as… Continue reading My Pokemon Team


A Geeky Trip to New York City

I write this now sat at my desk with a lovely dose of post-holiday flu and the need to jump on a plane and go back to New York City. New York was crazy, it really is the city that never sleeps, with it's illuminating lights and whirring noises. This city is everything you'll need… Continue reading A Geeky Trip to New York City


Re-Igniting My Love For Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp

Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp was released in the Autumn of 2017, from the moment I downloaded that game on to my phone I was HOOKED. But everything must come to an end and I ended up loosing interest in the game after a few months. I then only played Pocket Camp intermittently, mostly only having… Continue reading Re-Igniting My Love For Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp

monthly favourites, Pole & Aerial

Monthly Favourites! April 2019

This month has been a banger, we are full force in to Spring and on the high road to Summer and I couldn't be feeling more positive. This month has been full of fresh starts and changes for me, definitely one to remember. As promise, here's a list of my month favourites: Aerial Silks My… Continue reading Monthly Favourites! April 2019


Re-igniting My Love for Breath of the Wild

I'm an all in, or an all out kinda girl. I'm either so in to a game that it literally consumes my soul and I play/think/breath it for months straight. Or I suddenly stop playing said game, forget about it for months/years, then suddenly remember I never completed it/won the Pokemon League/actually played past the… Continue reading Re-igniting My Love for Breath of the Wild


The Video Games That Shaped My Life

I was very lucky growing up, both my parents were (and still are) avid gamers. My Mum had her SNES (Super Nintendo Entertainment System) and my Dad had the Sega Megadrive and Nintendo 64. My first console that was mine was my purple Gameboy Colour which I still have to this day! Most of the… Continue reading The Video Games That Shaped My Life