monthly favourites

Monthly Favourites! July 2019

It's the middle of Summer and England has been some of the best weather we've ever had. I've finally got out of my funk and I'm ready to take the world on again! Gamecube: Out of all the consoles I've ever owned, I think the Gamecube is one of my favourites. Now I've moved out… Continue reading Monthly Favourites! July 2019


Re-igniting My Love for Breath of the Wild

I'm an all in, or an all out kinda girl. I'm either so in to a game that it literally consumes my soul and I play/think/breath it for months straight. Or I suddenly stop playing said game, forget about it for months/years, then suddenly remember I never completed it/won the Pokemon League/actually played past the… Continue reading Re-igniting My Love for Breath of the Wild


The Video Games That Shaped My Life

I was very lucky growing up, both my parents were (and still are) avid gamers. My Mum had her SNES (Super Nintendo Entertainment System) and my Dad had the Sega Megadrive and Nintendo 64. My first console that was mine was my purple Gameboy Colour which I still have to this day! Most of the… Continue reading The Video Games That Shaped My Life