
My Favourite Songs of All Time

It's been months and months since I last wrote about music, the last post was back in October when I listed my favourite artists at the time, so thought it was about time to share my all time favourite songs with you all! Some of these songs I've loved since I can remember, others hold… Continue reading My Favourite Songs of All Time


Quarterly Book Review #2

It's been a good year for reading so far, I have read 27 books since January so I am well on my way to over take my goal of reading 32 books from last year! Leading on from my first Quarterly Book Review from January to April, here is the books I've read from May… Continue reading Quarterly Book Review #2


Re-igniting My Love for Breath of the Wild

I'm an all in, or an all out kinda girl. I'm either so in to a game that it literally consumes my soul and I play/think/breath it for months straight. Or I suddenly stop playing said game, forget about it for months/years, then suddenly remember I never completed it/won the Pokemon League/actually played past the… Continue reading Re-igniting My Love for Breath of the Wild