monthly favourites

Monthly Favourites! July 2019

It’s the middle of Summer and England has been some of the best weather we’ve ever had. I’ve finally got out of my funk and I’m ready to take the world on again!



Out of all the consoles I’ve ever owned, I think the Gamecube is one of my favourites. Now I’ve moved out and have free reign of the TV I can game whenever I want to so the other week I dusted off the Gamecube and played Super Mario Sunshine and Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness. For a console that came out in 2002 (for UK anyway), the Gamecube has great graphics and the wide selection of games makes it a console for everyone.


Weymouth, UK:

Around a 45 minute drive from my town is Weymouth, it’s a seaside town in the South of the UK which has beautiful beaches, a harbour and a Sea Life Centre full of sharks, turtles and other exotic sea life. I try to venture down to Weymouth every Summer as I absolutely love it down there. If you ever come to the South of UK, please check this sea side town out!


Family Time:

Since moving out I’ve seen how important it is to have family time. My grandparents are getting older now, although I still see them as the energetic 50 year olds they were when I was little, and my relationship with my Mum has been great since I moved out. I booked a week off at the end of July to spend time with my family, I saw Lion King with my mum, went out for dinner with my Grandparents and went to the beach with them too, it was a great bonding experience and it’s made me realise how lucky I am to have them all in my life.




The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask:

Since we’ve been together, me and Dan have been working our way (very slowly) through the Legend of Zelda series. We completed Wind Waker and Twilight Princess a while back and we sort of gave up on Skyward Sword as we weren’t enjoying it has much as it’s predecessors. To get back in to the Zelda groove, we started playing Majora’s Mask on my Gamecube. I haven’t played this title since I was super young, and even then I just watched my Dad play it, I’m surprised it didn’t give me nightmares back then. Majora’s Mask follows Link a few months after the ending to Ocarina of Time. Link is out in the woods search for Navi, when a Skull Kid steals both Epona and Link’s ocarina and then puts a curse on Link. Link then find himself in a parallel Hyrule, called Termina where, in 72 hours, the Moon will fall on to the Kingdom. Majora’s Mask is definitely the most errie of the Zelda titles but this just adds to it’s appeal. The 3 day time limit is a bit frustrating as I’m a bit crap at finding my way around so I easily loose 3 days. It’s a great game though, with really interesting characters and I great story.


Night Out with Friends:

Since I was a bit of a hermit the last couple of months, it’s been great to get out for the night, have some cocktails and hang out with my friends. We ended up going to two bars, one of them serves the most amazing cocktails (and for cheap too!) and then we went to our local rock bar at like 1am to finish the night off. However we did end the night on greasy chips and burgers at the local burger bar at 3am, felt like I was 18 again.


Detective Pikachu:

I really discredited this movie without even bothering to see it. As soon as the trailer came out I was on the bashing hate train, I thought the Pokemon looked gross and thought they could have used a better source material other than the Detective Pikachu game. Well.. I was wrong, so very very wrong. Detective Pikachu follows 21 years old Tim who teams up with his Father’s Pikachu to uncover the mystery of his father’s disappearance. Ryan Reynolds does an amazing job voicing Pikachu, Justice Smith, who plays Tim, Kathryn Newton, who plays Lucy, and Lucy’s Psyduck have great acting chemistry and the story was actually very interesting. Would watch again!

Catch ‘ya next month!


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